About our work with...


NPOS SOLUTIONS is a high-quality business supplier that specializes in providing receipt paper, scale labels and printer ribbons to businesses in the United States. Their large variety of reliable supplies allows people to find everything they need for their business from the same provider.

NPOS SOLUTIONS needed help with:

  • Clearly communicating their value proposition.
  • Offering a simple and reliable buying process.
  • Establishing a system to encourage clients to buy again.
  • Generating new prospects organically.
  • Using a technology solution to automate the marketing and sales process to improve productivity and drive more sales.

What we did in this project:

  • StoryBrand BrandScript: After a series of sessions, we developed a BrandScript and a clear message to eliminate confusion and connect with customers.
  • Online store: Design and development of an e-commerce store to expand their reach and improve operational efficiency.
  • Lead magnet: Discount pop-up to entice customers to take the first step to make a purchase and share their contact information.
  • Email marketing : Configured an automated email marketing campaign to nurture the relationship with clients, educate them about their products and services and drive more sales.