
5 Reasons why your business should have a website

Your website is the front door to your business on the Internet, and it's the first place where your customers will look for more information about your products and/or services that you offer to help them solve their problems.

What is a website?

A website is a set of electronic documents that can contain text, images, sounds or video, and that can be accessed through a web browser.

Generally, a website can contain different sections with specific content. These documents are usually produced by public and private businesses to show the products and services they offer to the public.


Want to learn more about creating websites? Download our free eBook “5 Things Your Website Should Include”.


Why should your business have a website?

The web has a much greater reach than any other medium, so it’s very important that your business has a significant presence to help it grow.

A website is the best place for your customers to know more about the products/services that your business offers and helps you to:


1. Build trust and credibility in the industry you participate in

In the digital world we live in today, if your business is not on the Internet or has online presence, it’s as if it doesn’t exist. A website builds that initial trust with the user by having a custom domain name, web design adaptable to mobile devices and, most importantly, clear and precise information.

Having a website will help you communicate your StoryBrand with high-value content that will position you as the guide your customers need to solve their problems and achieve their goals.


Want to learn more about the StoryBrand framework? Read our article “Building a StoryBrand Marketing Strategy”


2. Clearly communicate your value proposition

Before you even start to create the structure of your website, choose a template or dive into the html code, you should concentrate on the written content that it will have.

A website with an attractive design is useless if it doesn’t clearly state your value proposition. Words are what sell and are much more important than a nice design of colors or images.

Your business should have a professional website that clearly describes the problem your customers have, the solution you offer and how it benefits them.


3. Show the products/services you offer

The main goal of your website is to show your customers how you can lead them to success with the help of your products and/or services.

If you list all your products and services on your front page, people will be confused. It doesn’tmatter the kind of website your business has; your products and services should be divided by categories and have a detailed description that helps your customers to better identify and understand them.


4. Facilitate the buying process for your customer

Even if your business doesn’t have an online store, where your customers can carry out the entire buying process, a website should also facilitate this process for your customers.

Having constant "Buy Now" buttons, contact sources (such as social networks, email, business phone, etc.) or the necessary steps to buy your products or services will show your customers what they should do and will facilitate their purchase.

5. Grow your sales

A website will make more people to visit you and learn about the solutions that your business offers, and it’s also a good place to encourage these visitors to make their purchase, turning them into your customers.

With a dynamic and effective website, you can incorporate a sales funnel strategy, where you can get a database with the emails of potential customers, and you can provide them with a more effective sales follow-up through email marketing campaigns.


Remember, a website not only builds trust for your customer, it also helps you connect with them and start, continue and/or finish the sales process.

Having one can mean the difference to bring success to your business.


If you don't have a website for your business yet, what are you waiting for? Learn more about creating your own and download our free eBook “5 Things Your Website Should Include”.