
Building a StoryBrand Marketing Strategy in 7 steps

We know how hard it can be to communicate your value proposition in a clear and simple message. The StoryBrand framework helps you eliminate confusion and connect with your customers using a successful strategy proven by more than 10,000 businesses worldwide.

What is StoryBrand?

A StoryBrand Brandscript, also called SB7 framework, is a storytelling technique that uses the power of story to get your customer’s attention and get better results for your business.

StoryBrand refers to the methodology created by marketing expert Donald Miller and is a technique that seeks to follow the structure of any movie or novel.

The Brandscript is a model or template that has been designed based on the Storybrand technique that follows the structure of any engaging movie or novel.

Why? The average person spends more than 30% of their time daydreaming unless they’re reading or watching a movie. When we are engaged in a story, the story gets our attention and does the daydreaming for us.

How does the StoryBrand framework work?

It’s very important to understand that your customers are not interested in knowing how or why your business was created, they’re interested in being part of a story where they have the power to solve their problems with the help of your products or services.

Donald Miller's StoryBrand is a 7- step framework that helps you to:

  1. Define what your customers WANT.
  2. Identify the PROBLEM they have.
  3. Position your business as the GUIDE and your customer as the HERO.
  4. Outline the STEPS people need to follow to do business with you.
  5. Call them to TAKE ACTION.
  6. Communicate the SUCCESS they will get after doing business with you.
  7. Mention the FAILURE your solution helps them avoid.


Want to learn more about StoryBrand? Download our free eBook “Use The Power Of Story To Get Your Customers’ Attention”.


1. Define what your customers WANT.

The first thing your company must do is define who your customer is, what they want and how the products or services that you offer can help them. Companies tend to sell solutions to problems, and these solutions help the customer solve and overcome obstacles, as well as in a movie story.

Your customer becomes the hero of this story that your company creates for them. When you identify what the customer wants and needs to become the hero, the story that your brand offers them receives definition and direction.


2. Identify the PROBLEM they have.

Every product or service you offer must clearly solve a problem and you must always communicate it to your customers. It’s very important to understand that people don’t buy solutions to external problems, but they buy solutions to internal problems.

Identify the main problem that your hero (the customer) faces, and you’ll get them engaged on the story you’re inviting them to.


3. Position your business as the GUIDE and your customer as the HERO. 

Your customers are not looking for another hero, they’re looking for the support of a guide to help them find the easiest way to achieve their goals.

When your company becomes that guide that the customer needs to help them solve their problems, you will not only get more people to listen to you, but you’ll also be perceived as an expert authority that clients will turn to whenever they need your solutions (your products or services).


4. Outline the STEPS people need to follow to do business with you.

As a guide, it’s your job to provide a clear and simple action plan that your hero (your customer) can take to help them solve their problems.

Provide an action plan that shows very simply how your products or services will help them solve their problem and the steps they need to take to get this solution.


5. Call them to TAKE ACTION.

After giving them an action plan, it's time to ask for the sale. Your client will not do anything unless you call them to take action, and this call should be very simple and direct. Include a call to action that encourages and guides your customers and clarify your message.

The clearest example of a call to action is the classic "Buy Now" button.


6. Communicate the SUCCESS they will get after doing business with you.

You must make it very clear to your clients what their life will be like after buying your products and services that will help them succeed.

Use the right words and images to help your customers visualize success with the help of yourp roducts and services.


7. Mention the FAILURE your solution helps them avoid.

Just as your products and services help them succeed, they also help them avoid failure. Make sure you also communicate to your customer exactly how and which failure you’re helping them avoid.

Communicating what your customer has to lose if they don't buy your products or services will help them make the decision to become the hero that your brand offers them to be.


With this StoryBrand framework, you'll get a defined and clear Brandscript that you can use in all the components of your communication strategy: advertising, social media, email marketing campaigns and even as a sales pitch.

By building a StoryBrand, you'll be able to win and keep more customers, create more engagement for your company in digital media and humanize your brand through the power of an interesting and attractive story for the customer.


Want to learn more about StoryBrand? Download our free eBook “Use The Power Of Story To Get Your Customers’ Attention”.